Today is 10th day of ramadhan. This Holy months comes only once a year. The specialites of this month is terawih prayer. This prayer can be perform Only during Ramadhan. My first time performed this prayer when I was 16 years old. I was in boarding school that time. well, in boarding school, u shape ur self either to be in good shape or otherwise...its all up to you.
havent miss this prayer during school period except during 'women privillage'. enter college, still maintain the good job.
in university starts choosing which mosque to go to. usually due to how fast the Imam lead the prayer, the faster the better and also what they serve for morih(its a meal after performing terawih). started working, busy break fasting at hotel and restaurants, meet up old frens and as a result miss terawih. why is this happen?? well, its actually depends on ourselves. terawih period is after isyak to b4 subuh. so , even tho we miss to perform it at the mosque due some reason perhaps, we still can perform it at home. apparently, there's no reason for us to miss it.
Therefore, to all muslim who read my blogs, do grab all double triple rewards which only being offer throughout Ramadhan. This offer is much more better than the offer in most shopping mall.
Put it this way, shopping mall offer will be 3 times a year, but Ramadhan offer take place only once a do think about it....ciao guys...;-)
( its a reminder for myself as well)