Look at Ubai face berseri2 just before step into stream. Me and Mia test the water and hopefully no jerawat tumbuh afterwards....
I have mention at the beginning I dont want to swim this time. Thought that I had enough waterfall...but hey, look at the pool and water..so inviting,irresistable....
So..i jump into it..yohoooo...the rock so slippery and I actually tergelincir ..sakit woo..Mia as usual will look for pelampung. Knowing Mia, she will definitely go for it ....she will not let us left her behind in this kind of activity
Mia the MIkel. Semua org kena jaga dia. We rotate to hold the tali just to make sure she didnt move freely with current. Me and Ubai at last malas nak pegang tali tu and leave her in the pool..(there is private pool up there and we actually climb the slippery rock to be there. Its consists of 1 big pool, one small pool divided by short tunnel. nice place to be...)
here's the chronology of how I struggle to get out from the water. MIa dgn berbesar hati nak tolong but I was afraid if I grab her hand, and she slip off into water, cannot swim...who going to save her...dah jadi hal lain pulak.
THen she handed me the rope.....Nizam came to help and Ubai still struggling himself to be nearer....
Nizam tried to slide but its not slippery enough. So he actually jump into the pool. this is the pool I talk about earlier. Since camera with Ome, so we cannot capture the view of the private pool.
Left : 4 of us in the pool..mia push me with the pelampung
Right : Mia going to cross the big pool. Budak kecik tu pun tak pakai pelampung. Nizam dgn sabar pegang tali .....
After all this action, we head back to the campsite. have Lunch..the best ever because we had sambal belacan and ikan masin..what a combination...sooooo goood...mcm biasa, Tambah nasi lah kan. I trek back to Kuala Jasin with that wet clothes. Dont bother to change since everything has being pack up and it will be sweat a lot anyway plus 2 rivers to be cross as well.
Our journey back to Kuala jasin turn out very fast. Seems every body cant wait to leave the place and back to modernisation. We enjoy the peace, silence but not too long. Well, we are an urban kiddo...heheheheheh..
Arrive Kuala Jasin canteen..hehehehehehehh...on right, Ome tidur. ke tu.lahhhh. Nizam happily play org asli game.
There u go. After had couple of drink, relax a bit, time to clean our campsite. There's actually the reason why we have to clean up the leaves. A group of giant ant live in between the leaves,therefore we need to get rid of the leaves in order to get rid of the ants....When I said giant,it is really a giant ant and I get bite...ooouuch..it hurt.. ;-(
Our tent is ready. Endau Rompin has so many waterfall from the big one till the smallest we should called stream.
We had our evening pre shower at one of this stream. Just lepak there, play around till we ready to have real shower at public toilet.
Dinner will be ready by 8pm. Then we will be going for night jungle trekking to view any active animal in the woods in the dark.
Meanwhile waiting for dinner to be ready, we had a nice rest in out tent. Nizam, doesnt want to be left out as Ubai nowhere to be seen, join us in our tent. We talked about WAX, talked about girl stuff considering Nizam as one of our girl friend...hahhahaahahha...Dila, elegantly set up her own beauty salon outside. Touch up her face, kemaskan eyebrow,menicure, pedicure semua complete. Thats a circle of fren I have and they are just being themselves...honest, sincere...
Remember I mention earlier we going to have night walk. So we did. Everybody seems scared and so quiet while entering the jungle. Me and Dila notice a ring on the ground but dont dare to take. Mia, I think scared moment makes her so stress become so garang and nak marah semua org including the other guide, Pak Seman. At one point in the mid of the jungle, Eddy ask us to stop and shut off the light. So dark of course, I recite every surah I can remember correctly non stop. I try to look around to see any animal but really hope I didnt see anyting I dont want to see.
Eddy taught us how to survive in darkness of the jungle, how to look for light, which plant can help us to see and so on and so forth. While Eddy showing us on of the bamboo, Dila want to see it nearer and incindentally step on Ubai foot.Ubai was shocked but suddenly realise what is happening. "Kau pijak kaki aku" Ubai whispered. Dila immediately move her leg. At that point of time, nobody dare to make a sound or nay noise cos we have been warn by Eddy. Well, its really a jungle and at night. I was about to smile but dont dare also....hehehehehehhe...
What did we catch after that..many leeches. Not much to do after that, just have a cup of coffee, try to finish up as much as possible all the food and have a very good night sleep on last night at jungle. Tomorrow we will be back to our life and our city.....
Just before we aboard into the train on the next day, we had tea break at Famous Kluang station. The nasi lemak so sedap. each of us had 3 bungkus. ice lemon tea also good. The best ever is very cheap...
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